Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Dungen MP3

Don't have much time to write about this, but you can download Dungen's "Satt Att Se," the 1st single off their upcoming album 4, right here (direct download).

New Juan Maclean MP3

Ever since I got my hands on Juan MacLean's huge single "Happy House" earlier this year, I've been very excited to hear his upcoming full length The Future Will Come, due some time later this year. Anyway, if "Find A Way," the latest single off the album, is any indication, this record is going to be absolutely huge-- the looping pianos and classic house beats on "Happy House" were enough to make me wish for another house revival (there was one in like 2002, but no one really seemed to notice), and this makes me want it even more. Anyway, download it here (you can also follow that link to download "Happy House" and several remixes).